Spend a fun and full weekend in the Lake District with your camera, visiting stunning locations, guided by Carmen, a professional photographer, trained mountain guide and local, who has in depth knowledge of the Lake District, knowing lots of secret locations.
You will learn how to make the most of your camera, get to know the settings and how to capture the views. Photographing the light, creating dramatic landscapes, working with long exposure, setting up panoramas and processing your images.
This course is suitable for any level of photographer from beginner to advanced user.
The weekend will start of Friday afternoon around 3pm where we will meet, to get to know each other and there will be a camera clinic. A quick sunset shoot and meal at the pub will follow. If weather permits, we will fit in a star shoot.
An early rise on Saturday morning to catch the dawn at the lakeside. We will then visit some locations around the Lake District. We will finish with a sunset or a night sky shoot. There will then be an evening meal at the pub followed by image review and image processing at the studio.
Sunday will include another early start to capture the dawn, and then a visit to another Lake District location. The day will finish around 3pm to allow you to travel home.
Carmen is a Fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute with a Diploma in adult education
Course includes:
The group will be small with no more than 4 people.